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February 16, 2025

You may not always be alerted when a pipe springs a leak. That’s the thing about hidden water leaks: they’re often concealed in the walls or under the floor. Water slowly seeps from a worn join, through a hairline crack in a pipe, or when a tree root interferes with reticulation.

Catching a leak early will drastically reduce the damage (structural and financial) that a leak can do in your home. So, it pays to keep an eye – and an ear – out for these common clues. Then you can take immediate action by calling a Melbourne leak detection specialist to diagnose and deal with the problem.

Signs you may have a water leak inside your home or office can include:

  1. Spiking water bills

An unusually high water bill, assuming your usage hasn’t changed, is one warning sign most Australians are familiar with. In fact, this is the most common catalyst for a call to our Melbourne leak detection team.

Firstly, double-check the meter reading to make sure it wasn’t a calculation error. Then go around the house and see if you notice any of the signs below. At the same time, call our leak detection hotline on 1800 532 533 for fast, affordable and fully-equipped help straight to your home.

  1. Damp spots & visible mould

Identifying damp and developing mould is a truly multisensory experience. Some signs are more subtle than others, but once you notice the insidious mould developing, you can’t miss it:

  • Musty smell in certain rooms/areas
  • Dark patches on walls and ceilings
  • Paint starts to bubble and look spongy

Mould remover will deal with the symptom, but not the hidden water leak causing it. For that, you need to enlist a professional – sooner rather than later.

  1. Runaway water meter

It’s your turn to become a leak detective. If you suspect a leak, one way to confirm your suspicion is to watch the water meter with every tap and appliance turned off.

  • Go through your house to close every tap
  • Check for drips, loose handles or running toilets
  • Disconnect hoses and turn off plumbing to appliances
  • Once everything is off, watch your water meter

Are the numbers still ticking over? You may have a hidden leak draining water into your garden, walls, ceiling or under the floor.

  1. Wet patches on the lawn

Damaged reticulation piping is hard to spot because it’s easy to assume the lawn is wet from dew or rain. But keep an eye on those wet patches of grass to see if they dry up. If not, or if puddles start to appear in other places (including inside) then you are likely dealing with an underground water leak.

Thankfully, our leak detection team uses the latest technology to locate and diagnose leaks, even deep underground in homes and commercial buildings. Find out how we do it.

  1. Running water sound

Running water is a peaceful sound – until it’s in your home. With the taps (and TV) turned off, listen for the sound of running water. Try to follow the sound until you locate the room or area where you think a pipe might be leaking.

There’s another side to the sound as well: if you can hear running water with the tap on, but the pressure is low, then you are likely listening to water drain out through a concealed leak.

In all the above scenarios, the solution is the same. Contact Austest Pipeline Solutions, Melbourne’s leak detection experts with a team of experienced, licenced, and well-tooled plumbers ready to attend your home. We’ll help you locate and repair water leaks with an early intervention approach and non-destructive pipe repair methods.